Sunday, March 24, 2013

Part 2.) BioPrint Hypothetical Crowdsourcing Project
The idea for BioPrint came from a TV episode I saw years ago where scientists had found out specific genetic algorithims for the morphology of plants. To average people the growth and structures of plants seem very random and unpredictable, but on the contrary in perfect environments they are very easily replicated with stunning similarities. As a crowdsourcing project I wanted to find a great way to incorporate something personal from every individual into a beautiful work of art and believe this achieves that goal.

Bioprint functions by taking a Webcam photo/touchpad upload of your specific fingerprint be it thumb, index, middle, ring, or pinky. From there the ridges and calculations of specific measurements that makes each individual unique will be inputted into the L-algorithm (the master algorithm for the growth of plants and branchings.) Just like every individual fingerprint is unique so is the plant that will be created from the fingerprint. they will vary in such categories as:

-plant species
-growth patterns
-rate of growth
-directional growth

Plants will also be affected differently by ingame conditions not based off of member's fingerprint such as:

-other plants
-nutrient dispersements

Navigation within the game is similar to a street-view navigation on google earth with 360 rotational axis on  X, Y, and Z axis' controlled by the mouse. Zooming functions can be controlled by mouse wheel or by manual bar below rotation panel in upper left hand corner. Zooming capabilities range from overall environmental view (world view) to individual branches (micro view.) In addition each plant will be tagged when scrolled over with the profile of that member as well as a drop down menu with alternate options such as following that member or messaging etc. Environment will be running 24/7 365 days a year unless technical issues render it temporarily unusable, plant growth rates will be accelerated to a ratio of 5 days equal to half a year. Environment while navigationg will be in constant motion with elements as well as other organisms controlled by site supervisors (employees of BioPrint.)

Additions of new flora and fauna throughout the years will encourage users to continue experience as well as add additional plants later on using different prints (up to 10-toe prints not recognized.) After a certain amount of time as decided by the L-algorithm in combination with the other environmental factors (those decided by fingerprint and those decided by game) the species will die and user is given the opportunity to create a new organism.

The ultimate goal of this crowdsourcing project is to take something unique to each individual and create something else as representationally unique and beautifull as well. Together these prints can make a beautiful forest teeming with various explorable species.

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